Meet Client, Anna B. - resident Tabata Dancer, Jokester and KickA$$ Transformation

Tell us a little bit about you, your athletic/fitness background, your fitness routine and what you currently follow:

Before training with the IronPlate team I had periodically joined gyms or started a fitness routine that would basically start about a month before a major event (vacation, wedding, high school reunion) and would swiftly end it the day the event occurred. I have always hated working out and i have always especially hated dieting (who doesn’t)?… so I just never really made either a part of my lifestyle. 

Now I typically do anywhere between 2-3 60 minute training sessions a week with the IronPlate team.  Honestly, besides that I rarely make it to the gym due to my schedule and sheer laziness. But that is why having training sessions work so well for me. Knowing that I am being held accountable helps me work out. Having to make an appointment for sessions that I have spent money on with a person who is relying on me to be there forces me to do the thing I hate doing but know I have to work out!

What prompted you to start training?

I had been in school for a very long time and because of that I never had time, and even more so - never had the money to train. This year I am finally comfortable financially and was turning 30 and I knew that if I didn't start getting in shape now it would only get more difficult as time when on - it was basically now or never. I also knew that if I didn't do it with a trainer that I would never get serious about getting in shape and just joining a gym or taking a class would let me fall back into my old work out habits. 


What is your favorite part of training?

Honestly, I still hate working out! But getting a trainer changed my life and now I love to sweat and jump and not be able to walk down the stairs after an hour session. I also love that i get to walk in, do the job and walk out and know that it was a meaningful session, I worked my ass off, and now it’s done and I can finally go home and sit on the couch without feeling guilty. But also I like the difference i am seeing in my body. I may hate working out, but i love that I don't have a stomach hanging over my jeans any more, or that I feel comfortable wearing a tank because my arms look toned. It’s the confidence that I have gained that makes training great.  OH YEA AND THE TRAINERS ROCK! and they laugh at my stupid jokes.  (We do, we especially love Anna’s Tabata dance, and the Eagle moves).  


Do you follow any type of specific nutritional program?  Why/Why not?  What does it entail?

IronPlate may not want to include this section of the Q&A because it basically goes against all nutritional advice (yes, we embrace your sheer honesty, but some girls reading this may hate you!) - but I do not follow a nutritional program. I tried it for about 3 weeks and it was exhausting and hard to keep up with - oh yea and I freaking hated it. There is nothing I love more in this world than chocolate and bread and I wasn't about to give it up for any amount of weight loss or toned arms. I actually wont even tell you guys what I eat on a regular basis because my trainer would kill me! (I’m laughing as I include this part, Anna) - One good thing though, I did start eating breakfast since starting the program which I hear is like healthy or something like that (you are too much, and this is why we love you). Also, a word of advice - I probably would be a ton more in shape and have lost a lot more weight if I did stick to the nutritional program and I encourage anyone with even an ounce more will power than me to go for it. 

What motivates you?

I did start seeing results relatively quickly, and while I do hate the process of working out, seeing the results is addicting and makes you just want to get to your next session to continue seeing greater results. 

How do you feel training at IronPlate has benefited you?

The greatest thing about training with the ladies at IP is the confidence I have gained with my body. Within one week of training I had already gotten stronger. I also like that each of the trainers are different in their style, which keeps me on my toes, and is also something that I don't think you get to experience with having just one trainer. And I do feel equally comfortable with each of them. 

How do you feel your body has changed and transformed?

I was asked what my goals were when I started. I was not necessarily looking to lose weight, although if I did it would be a welcomed effect. Mostly my goal was to tone my body, tighten the flab, and build a booty. Although I'm sure not following the nutritional plan is slowing down that process, I can say I am excited so far with my results, and people constantly comment that I look thinner even though I haven't lost a pound. But I have toned up substantially and had to buy new clothes because my old ones were loose on me. Most of all, the booty is building! Oh yea and I wore my prom dress this weekend to a wedding, a dress I wore when I was 17. I just turned 30 two weeks ago (see photo below) - so I would say its going well. 


Any advice for those out there not training and mulling it over and over waiting for the "right time?"

There is no right time, its like buying a dog or having a baby. Its just something you need to make the decision to do and stick with it. We are always going to be busy, have vacations and work trips, be tight on cash, get home late. I can use any of those excuses but in reality if I want to get in shape I was just going to have to make the time if it was important to me, just like anything else in life. Looking back I wish I had done it sooner, waaaaaaaay sooner.