Recipe of the Week: Grilled Littleneck Clams

This weekend, fire up the grill, pop some clams on it and pretend you’re in New England. Clams are ridiculously easy to grill, take about 10 minutes and are really good for you. They’re a low fat, high protein seafood with an above average amount of healthful minerals such as selenium, zinc, iron and magnesium and B vitamins like niacin. A single protein serving (~3 ounces) provides 2/3 of the amount of iron you need in a day, plus the vitamin C in the clams helps you better absorb the iron!

Here goes! 

Prep Time: 5 minutes | Cook Time: 10 mins | Servings: 4 

2 dozen littleneck clams (or more!)
Juice of half a lemon
Handful of parsley, roughly choppd

1. Preheat grill to medium/medium-high or get charcoal fire going.

2. While the grill is pre-heating, rinse clams in cold water in a pot. 

3. Add clams to the grill. The clams will begin to open between 7-10 minutes on the grill. Carefully pull clams off the grill as they open and put in a serving bowl. Discard any clams that don’t open.

4. Toss with lemon juice and parsley and serve! (If you’re feeling naughty, a little butter and white wine is delicious, too!)

Feel free to use mussels instead of clams for this recipe — or both. Serve with grilled corn and baguette slices and you’re golden.

Recipe of the Week: Summer Lentil Salad

Lentils are a staple in our diet here at IronPlate. They’re fast cooking, incredibly versatile, highly nutritious and, well, they taste great. Make this summer lentil salad a go-to side dish for any occasion or make it a meal by putting it over greens with some grilled chicken or salmon.

Lentils are high in fiber (you’ll feel full longer), low calorie (about 230 calories per cup) and a great source of plant-based protein. They’re also rich in other vitamins and minerals.
Here goes!

Prep Time: 10 minutes | Cook Time: 15 mins | Servings: 4-6

1 cup dried lentils
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1/2 small onion, finely diced
2 bay leaves
2 tablespoons balsamic fig vinegar (regular balsamic is great, too)
1 tablespoon dijon mustard (can substitute yellow)
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 scallions, chopped (both white and green sections)
1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
1 cup cucumber, diced
4 mint leaves (or basil) chopped

1. In a medium sauce pan, add lentils and 3 cups water. Add garlic, chopped onion and bay leaves. Bring to a boil and then reduce to a simmer, uncovered, for 15 minutes. Test lentils to make sure they’re cooked through, yet firm, then drain and rinse with cold water. Refrigerate for half an hour.

2. While the lentils are cooking, whisk together the olive oil, mustard and balsamic vinegar. Set aside until ready to use.

3. In a serving bowl, combine lentils, tomatoes, cucumber, scallions and mint. Whisk the dressing once more and add to the salad and toss. Season with salt and pepper and serve!

Meet Karen P: Q&A about her 1st NPC Figure Competition

What got you into the idea of training for your first NPC Figure show?

I started training at Iron Plate two years ago because my spouse wanted a workout partner. An injury limited us to upper body work for an entire year, so my arms started to get pretty ripped for a girl. Kristin would mention that it wouldn't be that hard to get me into competition shape. My spouse was like, "You've already come this far eating TastyKakes and working out one day a week. Don't you want to see what would happen if you actually tried?" I was casually intrigued, but I know myself: I work two jobs totaling more than 40 hours a week, and I don't do well with long-term goals. I told Kristin I would give it 2 months, and I told my spouse that I would need help with food acquisition. A lot of help. Remember: TastyKakes.


What was the training like?

Training increased from 1 to 3 days a week of lifting. I would still train with my spouse and Kristin on one day, then at home with my spouse on a second day, and then a third day focusing on lower body with Kristin. Since I only had 2 months to prepare, I was immediately focusing on leaning out instead of building mass, so I also had to add 1 hour of cardio every morning. Every morning. Every. Morning.

Can you give us a glimpse into the world of dieting for a competition like this? Was it easier than expected?  Harder?  What are some examples of the foods you'd eat?

Everything became regulated: proper measurements, proportions, ingredients. The beauty was that all of these decisions would be made twice or three times a week during bulk food preparation, when each meal was organized into plastic containers. 

No decisions were needed during the actual meal times, because the proper contents of each box had already been determined. I would take my lunch box and my dinner box to work. I didn't have to think at all about what NOT to eat. If it was in the box, I could eat it. If it was not in the box, I couldn't. There was no way I could justify any cheating: if it was not in the box, then it was a cheat. 

I had never dieted before, so I didn't know what to expect. I was used to eating Pret on weekdays and anything from Bon Chon to Third & Vine on weekends, so I didn't have the best eating habits.

So, with that as a starting point, you have to hear me when I say: The food was amazing. I can't emphasize this enough. THE FOOD WAS AMAZING. 

A typical breakfast would be all of this mixed together in a kind of sweet-savory scramble casserole:

  • 5 egg whites
  • 1 bag of spinach, sauteed
  • 1/3 cup dry oatmeal
  • black pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, and dried shallots

Some lunches/dinners:

  • slow-cooked salmon, with onions and asparagus
  • braised lamb steak with mustard rub and a balsamic reduction, with rosemary sweet potatoes
  • sirloin stir fry with brown rice
  • chicken breast "breaded" with dried onions, with garlic green beans
  • ground turkey with hot peppers and cucumbers
  • spicy tuna salad (using Greek yogurt instead of mayonnaise)

I know what you're thinking: What about the TastyKakes? Well, between meals I would have a protein shake. It was just powder mixed with water (that is, not milk or almond milk), but the Ultimate Muscle Protein from Beverly International is just as sweet and creamy as a milkshake or hot chocolate. Between the protein shakes and the fresh veggies, I did not crave the Kakes.

When you're not eating a lot of fats or carbs, you have to eat more physical quantities of food in order to rack up the proper caloric intake. Two days before my last competition, I had to attend a fancy dinner. When I transferred the contents of my four-cup Tupperware container onto my fancy restaurant plate, the whole table gasped at how much food was in front of me. That answered the question that most of my dining companions wanted to know: Where you hungry? No. There was plenty of food.

[I didn't want to go on about how Dennis did all this, because I don't want people to think that they can't do this without someone else doing what Dennis did. I don't want to marginalize him, though! So I can add some more about him if you'd like.] - You see, Dennis did ALL of the cooking. 

Bicep Flex.JPG

What did you find the most challenging part of the whole process?

The number one most challenging part was all the girly primping logistics right towards the end! Hair, makeup, spray tan, shaving neglected areas... I'm not a girly girl, and all that coordination was not my style.

The second most challenging part was getting enough sleep. I need a full 8 hours normally, but I can get by for several days on 6 or 7. With the training, this was not an option. Eight hours became a minimum, and 9 was better. If I had a single night under 8, I would be VERY tired the next day.

Would you do it again?

I would do it again in order to do it right. I would never have been able to do it at all if my only option had been to commit 6 months for the first shot. Now that I've done my two-month trial, I know what's possible for me. 

I've also had the amazing experience of hanging out with incredibly built women at these two shows. No one is doing these competitions with the thought that big arms on a woman is too masculine. All the competitors have an ease about their bodies that no other group of nearly nude women has. Now I'm excited to concentrate on bulking up, and I have no qualms about looking less feminine.

How much weight did you lose and did you like the way you looked and the weight you got down to?

I started around 140 pounds and was down to 120 after about 6 weeks. It took a while to get used to seeing less of me in the mirror. It was nice to fit into some of my old pants! 

What are some nuggets of advice you'd give someone looking to lose weight and get in shape?

The first thing is to remember that the purpose of a personal trainer is to have someone PERSONALIZE their advice to you on fitness and nutrition. In order to get that, you have to be honest with your trainer and with yourself about what you can and can't do. There is simply no point in paying someone to tell you what to do and then not doing in. 

I knew I couldn't commit to more than two months, so I didn't pretend at the start that I would do more than that. Because of other things going on in that time period, I knew I wouldn't have the time to prepare the food, so I worked that out with my spouse.

The one thing about competition is that it has an end date. It was different from having a weight goal. Instead of saying, "I want to weigh 120," I said, "I want to see how fit I can get by November 7." Even if you don't do a competition, picking a short time goal for a diet lets you know that it's going to be over. That seems like an easier goal to hit than a permanent lifestyle change.

Then here's the catch: I've been off of the competition diet for a week now, and I HATE IT. I hate having infinite food freedom. When you can eat anything, then every moment becomes a decision. Should I eat this bag of cookies? Should I get Chick fil A? I don't have an broccoli in the fridge, how about I eat a croissant instead? Sheesh. I can't wait to go back to mass food prep and the boxes. 

I did not start this journey with the goal that I would live the rest of my life measuring my food. If you'd told me that I needed to do that, I wouldn't have done it at all. But I tried it for two months, and it was awesome, so now I'm hooked.

Intermittent Fasting Unwound

Intermittent Fasting Unwound

by Vanessa Rissetto, MS RD CDN and Kristin Reisinger MS RD CSSD


Everybody thinks they are an expert in something, and, unfortunately for me, it happens a lot with nutrition. People often try to tell me that they feel prepared to tackle the very complicated science of nutrition by just adding the latest superfood trend they read about in Men's Health or saw on Dr. Oz.  Frankly, life is too short to correct those that aren’t close friends or clients - and I suspect scientists in other fields feel the same way.  But I like talking to people, so recently I found myself chatting away with someone who was telling me all about “Intermittent Fasting.”  

What is Intermittent Fasting, you ask?  Intermittent Fasting (IF) is a relatively new nutritional method based on going long periods of time without eating in order to improve metabolism and your body’s efficacy for utilizing energy.  It is thought that our ancestors have been doing this since the beginnings of man.  It purports various periods of time of fasting (can be a full 24 hour window every 3-5 days, or a system of a daily 8 hour “fed” state followed by a 16 hour “fasting” state often from the hours of 10pm to 2pm the following day).  It is a widespread method of weight loss and improved performance system of nutrition that goes against the grain of the typical “5-6 small meals daily” we usually hear about.  

How does it work?  Well, usually, after you eat, you enter the “fed state,” which lasts for about 3-5 hours while your body digests what you have just eaten. Current thinking is that it is hard to burn fat while you are in the “fed state” because of elevated insulin levels in the body. Remember, insulin is an anabolic hormone that promotes storage, not the burning of calories.  Once the body leaves the “fed state” and your food has been digested, you enter the “post absorptive state,” which continues until about 8-12 hours after your last meal. The final stage is what’s called the “fasted state.” So, what's so great about the “fasted state,” and why am I telling you about it?  

Firstly, during the “fasted state” there is improved insulin sensitivity. As stated before, insulin is an anabolic hormone which helps you absorb nutrients from foods and uses the sugars from the food and directs them to your liver, muscles and fat cells so that they can be used and stored as energy later on. This means that when we eat in excess we are unable to reap the benefits of insulin. By eating less frequently, less insulin is released, and this means that when insulin is released we are much more sensitive to it. This makes it easier to lose fat, improve blood flow to our muscles and, some even believe, limit the effect that an "unhealthy diet" may have on the metabolism. 

Secondly, fasting can simply promote muscle gain and fat loss.  There is some good news here: some studies have shown that training in a “fasted state” is a great way to build lean mass and boost insulin sensitivity; strength training on an empty stomach has been shown to help with fat loss because those that train in a “fasted state” become better at burning fat due to an increase in fat oxidizing enzymes; and, if bodybuilding is not your thing, cardio exercise on an empty stomach is thought to help the body become more efficient at using energy stores, and primarily fat.

Sounds great, right? Well, it’s not all good news - most people don't even get into the “fasted state.” When you think about it, if you eat dinner at 7pm and breakfast at 6:30am, you’ll never get the chance to get into the optimal fat burning level that the “fasted state” allows.  And that’s just the start. The bigger problem with all of these ‘on-trend, quick-fix’ diets is that the everyday experts don’t put them into the proper context and before you know it, everyone is out there “fasting” while they’re sleeping and stuffing their faces during the day thinking they deserve the whole nine since they “fasted” all night.  But that’s not how it works.  

Done in a true fashion there has been some good, albeit minimal, research so far showing that IF can help reduce weight and fat loss, improve cardiovascular health and blood pressure, but it stems from other intricate timing nuances as well as maintaining rich, and appropriate macronutrients during the 8 hour “feeding” phase (can’t be all Twinkies and beer).  For instance, IF performed with the “fasting” state occurring from 10pm-2pm with bouts of training occurring before the first meal (ex: 12:30pm-2pm training), and then a large post-workout meal directly after (and some BCAA supplementation for good measure) has seen some positive results.  However, not enough research has been done yet to make a big opinion.  But it’s worth a try and is showing to be promising.  It also, ifdone correctly, allows a person to actually “practice” what it feels like to be hungry (as well as learn the difference between being truly hungry of mentally hungry) which is a good skill for someone on the journey to weight loss and health.  

And though the theory of Intermittent Fasting may be based on good scientific findings and hypotheses based on our ancestors, once you remove the context that your friendly neighborhood Dietitian can bring, it becomes a dangerous fad.  As we continued to discuss his plan, my new friend made it clear why he found Intermittent Fasting so attractive: he had concluded that he could eat whatever he wanted and drink as much as he liked, and, as long as he stuck to his Intermittent Fasting, he would be fine.  As someone who loves technology and the latest gadgets, believe me, I know all about the appeal of quick fixes! We’re all accustomed to looking for something that will change our lives with minimal commitment and no effort. But, as so often is the case, quick fixes aren’t the answer. 

The body is a complex system that needs essential nutrients and chemicals to make it work. Dietitians study and understand how it all works together.  We can help you to reach your goals – and maintain them. But there is no magic pill, and no magic ‘science’ that, when taken out of context, will get you there in a healthy state. It’s far better to concentrate on steady improvements in the way you eat, than doing anything ‘intermittently’.  A lesson, I think, my new friend will learn the hard way.


The Incredible and Most Edible EGG! by Vanessa Rissetto

EGGS - Stop talking shit about my boyfriend...

I'm serious, I take shit talking about eggs really seriously.  Why so passionate about the incredible edible you wonder?

Well first off, I eat them every day - EVERY SINGLE DAY - which shows my dedication.  Now some people fancy them up: scrambling, poaching, over easy, adding cheese, sauces, etc; but not me, I'm a purist.  Three eggs, soft boiled with 1 slice of whole grain toast.  Some of us - I wont name names (Kristin) wouldn't add the bread but this is my damn breakfast and I'll do whatever I want.  Let's get serious though, eggs are literally the most perfect food ever. 

Misconceptions about eggs are that they cause heart disease from cholesterol - on the contrary - eggs contain lecithin which is known to draw the cholesterol away from the body.  The liver makes cholesterol everyday, so if you're eating eggs the liver will make less; that's that whole homeostasis, body is a machine and knows how to work, thing.  Eggs also raise HDL - so if you're not exercising enough, here's another way to raise that good cholesterol. 

Eggs are a good source of protein: 6 grams per egg to be exact which contributes to fullness.  Eggs have Vitamin A which helps my vision, Vitamin D and Iron which help my bones, Folate which helps cell growth and metabolism (we can get to that later) and Biotin which also assists in metabolism of protein, fats, and carbs as well as help my nails and hair grow (which in my old age may or may not be a problem) - kidding.   

Eggs also have choline which helps with memory, which I definitely need since I'm a mom of two toddlers and am often plagued with momnesia (momnesia is when I was going to do something but then my kids started asking me for something and then I forgot). 

While we're on misconceptions about eggs, here's my biggest one - EGGS ARE NOT DAIRY! DAIRY COMES FROM A COW PEOPLE! EGGS COME FROM CHICKENS!  I know, I know.. why am I shouting?  So many times people tell me they don't eat dairy, and then when I mention eggs they tell me they don't eat dairy and then question my abilities as a Dietitian.  This is the same look I get when I tell people corn is not a vegetable but we can talk about that later.  For weight, loss eggs score high for their ability to induce feelings of fullness and reduce subsequent calorie intake.

IronPlate Rating 10/10

Operation Remove Butt from Couch

So I just had my first official training session at IronPlate with the lovely, talented and slightly evil Caitlin. When I got her e-mail suggesting that we start our new routine at 6am, I literally checked the calendar to see if it was April Fool’s Day—much to my chagrin, it was not. I thought long and hard and reasoned that maybe being in a dreamlike state would make the workout less hard (wrong), so I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and replied “Okay, see you there.” Yikes! When my alarm went off the next morning it literally felt like I had just gone to sleep minutes before. But right as I was about to slap the snooze button and roll back over, something stopped me, and I threw off the covers and hoisted myself out of bed. After banging into both my dresser and the door while trying to get dressed in the dark so as not to wake my very comfortable looking husband, I was ready to go. 

I arrived at the studio just before 6 in the pitch black, and proceeded to become winded simply by walking up the stairs—my first of many realizations of just how out of shape I am. Caitlin greeted me a few moments later, and laughed as I asked if the climb could be considered part of my workout—it couldn’t. So off we went to the office, where I got weighed in—talk about a wakeup call, and had my measurements done, then we got down to business. 

We started with some jump roping for 1-minute segments and then we then moved through some interval training that included pull downs, planks, burpees, squats and chest presses—all of which were made infinitely more pleasant by the 90’s party beats station Caitlin had pumping through the speakers. Unfortunately no amount of Ja Rule and Nelly could soften the intensity of squat jumps onto the dreaded wooden box, but I gritted my teeth, pushed through it and survived. 

Despite the challenge, it felt good to push my body and before I knew it, I had relaxed and was actually enjoying the challenge of seeing what I was capable of. 

Caitlin has a very unique ability to work you to your fullest potential without leaving you feeling defeated or like you never want to come back again. She is extremely skilled at finding a perfect balance between when you’re doing something at the hardest level you’re capable of, and when you could potentially do more. 

The greatest part about working out at IronPlate was there was absolutely no judgment. I didn’t have to worry about how uncoordinated I looked or if the person next to me was faster, stronger, fitter, etc. (which by the way she was), which made it so much more manageable and honestly gave me the confidence boost I needed to finally start feeling like I might actually be able to do this. In fact, I’m booking my next session online as we speak. Till next time.

Meet Coral D., 2x Amazing Transformation!

Tell us a little bit about you, your athletic/fitness background, your fitness routine and what you currently follow.

Coral: Ok, I'm going to be straight up - I'm not an athlete and I don't have a naturally "good" body. I can gain weight very easily if I'm not careful, so I currently follow an aggressive workout routine (usually 6-7 times a week) coupled with a nutritional plan.

What prompted you to start training?

Coral: Two years ago I got motivated to trim down for my March 2013 wedding. I honestly thought this was just a one time "treat"; a luxury that I wouldn't continue. Well then I got pregnant, and after 9+ months of no-holds barred eating, I needed some help to lose the baby weight. So in October of 2014 I embarked - again - on my fitness and nutritional journey.

IronPlate: Just to chime in, when I met Coral, we had one conversation about her diet plan covering macros, nutrient timing, meal planning and portion control, and this girl had it down after one conversation.  


                                                                                         March 2013 wedding, and a 20 pound weight loss in 2 1/2 months.  

What is your favorite part of training?

Coral: I love the variety. At IronPlate I get well-balanced workouts with a good mix of cardio, strength, plyo, and stretching. I also like that it's a comfortable and professional environment. No "gym-timidation" and I can work hard without feeling self-conscious.

Do you follow any type of specific nutritional program? Why/Why not? What does it entail?

Coral: Diet is so so so important for me when I want to lose weight and tone up. I do basic calorie counting using an iPhone app (MyFitnessPal) and I stick to high protein foods paired with fresh veggies. I avoid sugar and other simple carbs - they are my enemy. I also try to cook for myself so I can keep it clean. Lastly, portion control is key and my food scale helps keep me honest about what I'm putting in my body.


                                                                                                               Less than 6 months, and 75 pounds later!

What motivates you?

Coral: My baby boy! As he grows and gets bigger, I want to be able to hold him easily and have high energy to run/play with him. I love feeling like a strong mom for him.

How do you feel training at IronPlate has benefited you?

Coral: I think of IronPlate as the backbone to my fitness regimen in two ways. First, the strength training I get there helps me do better in the other various exercise classes I go to. And secondly, I can easily "fall off the wagon" and go weeks/months without working out. That used to be my M.O. in the winter - slacking off and hibernating in sweaters. So by keeping my regular appointments at IronPlate, the rest of my routine stays on track. Then when I'm consistently working out, my diet is on point and the results come!

How do you feel your body has changed and transformed?

Coral: I've transformed twice since going to IronPlate. For my wedding, I lost 20 lbs in 2.5 months and was the thinnest I had been since high school. Now this time around I have lost 75lbs in the 6 months post-baby. I was wearing size 12 pants and now I'm swimming in my 6's.

Any advice for those out there not training and mulling it over and over waiting for the "right time?"

Coral: In the past decade I had tried all kinds of diet/exercise programs on my own and would never get the results I wanted. Today, my body is the strongest it's ever been and I credit IronPlate for being the catalyst for that change. I think of training as an investment - it's an investment in myself that has had awesome returns! Besides the increase in energy, my general health has improved and I've eliminated pain in my back (degenerative disc) and feet (plantar fasciitis) with this training program. Plus, seeing the number on the scale drop consistently feels pretty darn great, too.

I'm so glad I found IronPlate, I really feel that it has changed my life. Thanks Kristin and the IronPlate Team!

Baby Steps, by Kara G.

The preparation for my journey at IronPlate began with a very candid conversation with Kristin, where we discussed my current eating habits (abysmal), my fitness routine (or lack thereof to be more specific) and laughed together about some of the excuses I was using to avoid getting back into shape—Come on who wouldn’t want to wait until after free cone day at Ben & Jerry’s to start their diet? 

After she had a chance to read through my past posts and really get a feel for what she was dealing with, and I emphasized that in the past, changing too much too soon was a big part of the reason I could never stick to any weight loss plan, we decided that the best and easiest way for me to get started and set myself up for success would be to purge my living space of all unhealthy foods. 

So home I went, and got to work. I am not ashamed to admit it pained me to throw away the last of the Entenmann’s party cake in my fridge that I’d been slivering away at day after day. And just because I know myself and desperate times call for desperate measures, I took a page out of Miranda from Sex and the City’s book and threw out the grinds from my morning pot of coffee right on top of it. Then of course I stared at it for several minutes wondering how bad coffee-flavored party cake would actually be? Oh geez, I need help. Why is it that we’re perfectly willing to waste food by shoveling it down our throats without even tasting it, but the act of physically tossing it into the trash is nearly impossible? 

I decided to help myself feel a bit better, I would send the rest of what I found in with my husband to work, so I grabbed a bag and starting filling it up. In went the reduced fat Oreos (not much fat gets reduced when you eat 2 sleeves at a time), the fancy assorted cookie tin I had on hand at all times “for guests,” then on to the freezer where I tossed in the last of the carrot cake and Christmas cookies I’d been hoarding since the holidays. 

Side note: I love when people suggest freezing extra baked goods as a way of controlling yourself. Like a frozen Christmas cookie isn’t just as delicious as a fresh one. 

Anyway, if you’re noticing a pattern here, you would be correct. I absolutely love sweets in every size, shape and form. I could easily adapt to life in the North Pole if it meant living with Buddy the Elf and enjoying the 4 main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corn and syrup. Is it possible to pull a sweet tooth? Anyway, I digress. So my kitchen is now officially a junk-free zone. Operation Sugar Shakedown complete. I am now ready to hit the ground running. Okay, maybe not running but at least walking briskly.

Stop the Insanity - yes, we've heard that before, but.....

Stop the Insanity! 

Happy 2015 everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday! I think it’s safe to say that most likely all of you fared better than me when it came to your holiday eating, but never fear, I have left the pumpkin pie and eggnog behind me, and I am ready to move forward towards my new healthier self—with the help of all of you of course ☺ Although I am already sick of all the New Year, New You ad campaigns floating around, I do have to admit I’m excited at the prospect of the fresh start provided by the idea of  a brand new blank calendar. There’s a certain sense of comfort in knowing no matter how much you messed up or how many of your mom’s homemade peanut butter bon-bons you may have indulged in, today is a new day, or a new year in this case, and you can start off clean. 

I don’t know about you, but whenever I start on any kind of diet, I am definitely guilty of indulging in what I like to call “the last supper,” a.k.a. eating everything I know is “bad” for me in gargantuan portions before I have to start being “good.” And for whatever reason, I have found I am absolutely incapable of starting a diet any other day but Monday. The phrase “I’ll start next week,” has been a part of my vocabulary since I learned where my Mom kept her secret stash of mint Milanos, and although I would swear up and down every time I “re-booted” my eating habits that this time around would be different, I would always prepare in the exact same way, with the exact same unhealthy mindset of shoveling as much junk down as I could before basically starving myself come Monday, all the while telling myself this was it, this was the time I would lose the weight and keep it off—very smart I know. 

And then every single time, about 6 months later I’d sit there in absolute bewilderment staring at the scale wondering how the hell every last pound and then some had ended up right back where it started. They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, yet for whatever reason I never thought to apply that logic when it came to weight loss. This time though, things will be different—why does that sound so familiar? But in all seriousness, I do truly feel this time will be different, because this time I’m bringing in the experts—the amazing staff at IronPlate—to help me change my methods, shift my way of thinking—get rid of this all or nothing mentality I can’t seem to shake and at the risk of quoting Susan Powter for the second time in one blog, stop the insanity!

Meet Matt M., IronPlate Man

Tell us a little bit about you, your athletic/fitness background, your fitness routine and what you currently follow.

I’m 32 years old, married and my wife Erin and I recently welcomed our daughter Parker to the family! I live in Hoboken and work at a financial publishing company in Manhattan that I started almost 10 years ago. I’ve always played sports and in high school was on the soccer, track and tennis teams.

I currently work out at IronPlate on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 6am to 7am. I am in the process of motivating myself to start running consistently to enhance my cardio exercise outside of the gym.

What prompted you to start training?

I started training after my wife and I found out in December 2013 that she was expecting with our first child. I wanted to ensure that my daughter had a healthy, in shape father who had lots of energy to play with her and be active in her life.

What is your favorite part of training?

Definitely not waking up for a 6am workout! Seriously though, my favorite part is feeling the difference the training has on my body. Seeing it is nice too! During actual training, my favorite part is getting past a weight or rep count I hadn’t before. It’s amazing to think about where I was on day 1 and where I’ve gotten today. And I still have a long way to go!

Do you follow any type of specific nutritional program?  Why/Why not?  What does it entail?

I like to think I do! Having a pregnant wife for nine months certainly didn’t help but I’ve tried to focus on adding breakfast to my diet, which used to consist solely of as much coffee as I could get my hands on, and having a healthy lunch. I now eat two hard boiled eggs for breakfast, for the most part have a salad with chicken for lunch and in the afternoon I have a protein bar.

I’m never going to be the ideal nutritional example for someone to model themselves after but I feel I am starting to find a balance that allows me to not change everything about how I like to live (greasy food - I’m from the Philadelphia area so you can’t deny me cheesesteaks! – and beer/wine/whiskey will always have a place) but at least put it into reasonable moderation.

What motivates you?  

My daughter, Parker, my wife, Erin, and the size of my pants. I refuse to buy the next size up!

How do you feel training at IronPlate has benefited you?  

I get one-on-one attention, someone who will push me to do that one extra rep, or do that extra exercise my tired body doesn’t want to do (remember I work out at 6am!) and just as importantly I have a friend who can give me advice, help me overcome mental hurdles that everyone goes through working out and be a positive support system.

How do you feel your body has changed and transformed?

I am much stronger than I was before. My wife and I take periodic pictures to monitor the difference, and it is very apparent. My shoulders, arms and chest have filled out significantly. My legs have always been large which when I am out of shape gives them a straight up and down look which is now gone.

Any advice for those out there not training and mulling it over and over waiting for the "right time?"

There are always reasons to put off training. With a baby on the way, I knew I needed to start working out. The reason I started with IronPlate was because it helped me find the motivation to get out of bed and get to the gym. And it worked. The reason I have stayed with IronPlate for over a year now is because of the results, the support and the friends I have made.

Meet Client, Anna B. - resident Tabata Dancer, Jokester and KickA$$ Transformation

Tell us a little bit about you, your athletic/fitness background, your fitness routine and what you currently follow:

Before training with the IronPlate team I had periodically joined gyms or started a fitness routine that would basically start about a month before a major event (vacation, wedding, high school reunion) and would swiftly end it the day the event occurred. I have always hated working out and i have always especially hated dieting (who doesn’t)?… so I just never really made either a part of my lifestyle. 

Now I typically do anywhere between 2-3 60 minute training sessions a week with the IronPlate team.  Honestly, besides that I rarely make it to the gym due to my schedule and sheer laziness. But that is why having training sessions work so well for me. Knowing that I am being held accountable helps me work out. Having to make an appointment for sessions that I have spent money on with a person who is relying on me to be there forces me to do the thing I hate doing but know I have to work out!

What prompted you to start training?

I had been in school for a very long time and because of that I never had time, and even more so - never had the money to train. This year I am finally comfortable financially and was turning 30 and I knew that if I didn't start getting in shape now it would only get more difficult as time when on - it was basically now or never. I also knew that if I didn't do it with a trainer that I would never get serious about getting in shape and just joining a gym or taking a class would let me fall back into my old work out habits. 


What is your favorite part of training?

Honestly, I still hate working out! But getting a trainer changed my life and now I love to sweat and jump and not be able to walk down the stairs after an hour session. I also love that i get to walk in, do the job and walk out and know that it was a meaningful session, I worked my ass off, and now it’s done and I can finally go home and sit on the couch without feeling guilty. But also I like the difference i am seeing in my body. I may hate working out, but i love that I don't have a stomach hanging over my jeans any more, or that I feel comfortable wearing a tank because my arms look toned. It’s the confidence that I have gained that makes training great.  OH YEA AND THE TRAINERS ROCK! and they laugh at my stupid jokes.  (We do, we especially love Anna’s Tabata dance, and the Eagle moves).  


Do you follow any type of specific nutritional program?  Why/Why not?  What does it entail?

IronPlate may not want to include this section of the Q&A because it basically goes against all nutritional advice (yes, we embrace your sheer honesty, but some girls reading this may hate you!) - but I do not follow a nutritional program. I tried it for about 3 weeks and it was exhausting and hard to keep up with - oh yea and I freaking hated it. There is nothing I love more in this world than chocolate and bread and I wasn't about to give it up for any amount of weight loss or toned arms. I actually wont even tell you guys what I eat on a regular basis because my trainer would kill me! (I’m laughing as I include this part, Anna) - One good thing though, I did start eating breakfast since starting the program which I hear is like healthy or something like that (you are too much, and this is why we love you). Also, a word of advice - I probably would be a ton more in shape and have lost a lot more weight if I did stick to the nutritional program and I encourage anyone with even an ounce more will power than me to go for it. 

What motivates you?

I did start seeing results relatively quickly, and while I do hate the process of working out, seeing the results is addicting and makes you just want to get to your next session to continue seeing greater results. 

How do you feel training at IronPlate has benefited you?

The greatest thing about training with the ladies at IP is the confidence I have gained with my body. Within one week of training I had already gotten stronger. I also like that each of the trainers are different in their style, which keeps me on my toes, and is also something that I don't think you get to experience with having just one trainer. And I do feel equally comfortable with each of them. 

How do you feel your body has changed and transformed?

I was asked what my goals were when I started. I was not necessarily looking to lose weight, although if I did it would be a welcomed effect. Mostly my goal was to tone my body, tighten the flab, and build a booty. Although I'm sure not following the nutritional plan is slowing down that process, I can say I am excited so far with my results, and people constantly comment that I look thinner even though I haven't lost a pound. But I have toned up substantially and had to buy new clothes because my old ones were loose on me. Most of all, the booty is building! Oh yea and I wore my prom dress this weekend to a wedding, a dress I wore when I was 17. I just turned 30 two weeks ago (see photo below) - so I would say its going well. 


Any advice for those out there not training and mulling it over and over waiting for the "right time?"

There is no right time, its like buying a dog or having a baby. Its just something you need to make the decision to do and stick with it. We are always going to be busy, have vacations and work trips, be tight on cash, get home late. I can use any of those excuses but in reality if I want to get in shape I was just going to have to make the time if it was important to me, just like anything else in life. Looking back I wish I had done it sooner, waaaaaaaay sooner. 

There’s a Reason they call them “Love Handles” by Kara G.

Hey all. For those who read my intro post, I’m sure the picture I painted of myself leaves you doubtful I’ll ever put the Ben & Jerry’s down long enough to get my stretchy pants-clad ass on the path to good health, but the sad truth is, I know what it feels (and looks) like to be in shape.  Let’s travel back in time together to my wedding day. An absolutely beautiful, picturesque summer day—one I will truly never forget. I am so happy I can look back at the photos and admire the breathtaking beach scenes, my handsome husband, loving family and amazing friends. I’m also incredibly happy to have concrete proof that there was actually a time I had a small waist, defined arms and a flat stomach. Now back to real time, circa 2014, where unfortunately those body parts are now prefaced with much less appealing adjectives like flabby, saggy, bloated, and—well, you get the gist. I’d love to blame my husband for all of this, because let’s face it, what sane woman would actually blame themselves for their weight gain, but the truth is, he had little, if anything to do with it. He actually likes to eat healthy (weirdo) and even if I made him a pile of bean sprouts for dinner, he’d eat it with a smile—I’m not kidding, he’s that easygoing. He’s one of those freaks of nature that will take out a package of Oreos, carefully pull two out and then roll the bag back up and put it away. Again, I’m not kidding, these people really exist. 

They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and if that’s true, then my first few years of marriage, cooking up all the comfort food he could handle, certainly cemented my place in my husband’s heart—as well as plenty of extra insulation to my ass and thighs. I had been laid off shortly before our wedding, so once we moved in together and I had more free time than I knew what to do with, I threw myself into trying to be “the perfect wife,” spending hours cleaning until there wasn’t a speck of dust to be found, cooking HUGE homemade meals every night (if I went to the trouble of preparing and cooking it, then I should be eating half, right?) and food shopping for all his (a.k.a. my) favorites. But my Martha Stewart act only kept me occupied for so long before boredom and all my extra “love weight” began to take its toll. 

Some people say you should never let your work define you, but I’m guessing those same people were never laid off for eight months straight living in a 600-square foot apartment, where I can literally reach the refrigerator while still sitting in my desk chair. At first, it was nice having some time off—I could go to the gym whenever I wanted, the house had never been cleaner, and I had plenty of time to catch up with old friends and do those annoying tasks you never seem to get around to with a full-time job, like organizing your sock drawer or restocking your medicine cabinet. I felt free, determined and excited to embark on my next adventure with a clean slate. So I fired off hundreds of resumes, got in touch with former colleagues, bought myself a new suit for interviews and waited; and waited, and waited some more. But all that came were rejections, cloaked in attempted cheer—“We don’t have anything right now unfortunately, but we’ll definitely keep your resume on file for when we do,” and “We really liked you, but decided to fill the position internally” or my personal favorite, “We feel you may have too much experience for the position and are overqualified.” And so on, and so on. I had phone interviews almost daily, went into the city on a weekly basis, and still nothing. My full-time job became looking for a job; and after awhile that fire that had been lit inside me when I was first laid off, started to burn out. 

I felt lost and out of control. I had entirely too much free time to sit around and think about what I was doing wrong or why I wasn’t good enough to get one of these positions. I felt like I was in slow motion, trying to run through quicksand. The sadder I got, the more I ate—bingeing on cookies, ice cream or whatever junk I could get my hands on. I had even resorted to waiting until my husband went to bed and then sitting out in the living room and “relaxing” a.k.a. shoveling down whatever treats I had bought myself at the grocery store or picked up from a fast food joint on the way home. What started out as an exciting journey full of possibilities had turned into a tiresome voyage with no end in sight; and before I knew it, I was right back to square one—all 37 pounds right back where they started (insert any body part capable of jiggling here).

Lesson of the day: Job loss+ tiny apartment=love handles. 


Tales of a Dieting Disaster by Kara G.

Hi all!  I want to introduce to you, Kara G.  Kara is taking the IronPlate Challenge and going to follow our nutritional and training guidance over the course of the next several months, and guess what - write about it for you on our blog!  We are super excited to have her on board.  Think of her as our very own resident IronPlate guinea pig.  She's thrilled to share with you her woes, her measurements and her lightbulb moments to give you all a perspective on what it takes to transform: from the inside out.  So enough said, here's Kara!

Hi everyone.  I’m Kara, a 30-something freelance writer and professional yo-yo dieter, currently 30-something pounds overweight. Over the course of my life I’ve lost over 300 pounds—granted it was the same 30 pounds 10 times, and have tried (and failed at) just about every diet and  weight loss plan imaginable. Seriously, if dieting was an Olympic sport, I’d be a gold medalist by now. There was the low-carb diet—which ended about a week in when my husband came out of the bathroom to find me maniacally eating the French Bread pizza he’d heated for himself, the 7-day-cleanse which collapsed on day 4 after I cried myself to sleep because I could only eat bananas and milk;  and my personal favorite, the grapefruit diet, which ended in a fit of rage when my husband had the nerve to come home still smelling like the Chinese food he’d thoughtfully eaten in his car on the way home and I went absolutely postal.  He swears to this day my head actually spun all the way around. It may have been that exact meltdown that earned me the nickname Gizmo—cute, warm and fuzzy—until I get hungry, and then watch out for my inner Gremlin. That was also the same day that my husband informed me if I went on one more crash diet he and the dog were moving out. He also suggested (while hiding behind our bedroom door) that I try channeling my weight loss struggles into something constructive, like a blog, and since I’m about a stuffed crust pizza away from the point of no return, here I am. Ready to share my ups (and hopefully) downs with all of you. Stay tuned!

My IronPlate Fitness Journey by IronPlate Client, Jennifer Belser

Despite the frequent urging of my mom, I never worked out in my life. I was a cheerleader in HS, but wouldn’t consider myself athletic by any means, and was able to fake my HS gym teachers out when it came to running the mile, and would walk so slow, it would seem as if I did 4 laps, but I probably jogged 1 and walked the last 2, finishing in about 15 minutes, so it seemed “normal”. 

The fitness bug hit my Mom in about the year 2000, when I graduated college, but it never hit me. I would listen to her get up before work and clear out our living room so she could do her workout videos and I would hear her huffing and puffing away. Later on, after I moved out, she got a gym membership at Gold’s. She was able to convince me to go take a class with her only once. After that class and not being able to walk for 3 days, I never went again. 

Jen and her Mom

Jen and her Mom

I never struggled with my weight very much and am relatively lucky in that regard. I could definitely fluctuate about 15lbs up or down, and at my heaviest, I may have been “voluptuous” and “curvaceous”, but I was never “fat”.  I was also extremely out of shape and ate whatever I wanted. 

I lost my Mom 4 years ago to cancer. She was extremely dedicated to fitness and health, and even during her grueling chemotherapy treatments, would wake up and exercise and do what she could. She even had plans to retire in 2016 and pursue fitness as a job, encouraging baby-boomers to get and stay fit, like her. Losing her continued to keep me out of the gym, as the machines, the mere idea of exercise, would remind me of all the opportunities I had to spend time with her and had missed. 

When I turned 35 last year, I knew that something was going to have to change. I couldn’t continue to be lethargic, eat whatever I wanted, be tired all the time and not feel as good about myself as I knew I could. I never understood the “once you to go to the gym and work out, you’ll feel so much better!” mentality. I hated it. I felt awkward, I didn’t know what exercises to perform, and I didn’t like people watching me, or worse, judging me.  But I knew that I had to take a leap and do something out of my comfort zone. At 35, I wanted to give myself the opportunity to look and feel better than I ever had before, and I knew it was time to put in some work. 

Jen on a typical Monday morning - "leg day"

Jen on a typical Monday morning - "leg day"

After doing some research, I came across Kristin’s website, and thought that it seemed like a great fit. The idea of working out in a private space where I could learn and grow was ideal. I went in for a consultation in April of 2013 and signed up for 20 sessions on the spot. Since then,  I have not stopped!! Kristin worked with me, starting slow and assessing my strength levels as well as my ultimate goals and body type. I do a hybrid type of workout which consists of some traditional bodybuilding type of exercises with weights, as well as mixing in some metabolic and plyometric training to get my heart rate up. This is ideal for me because I love the idea of being strong, and I have realized that I love to throw around some weight! Who knew!?

What I love about working out with Kristin is that I know each workout will be different.  If I’m feeling tired, we can go lighter or switch things up, but if I want to test my limits, she’s happy to oblige me.  Now, I’m around the same weight as when I started to work out, but my lean muscle has increased, my body fat has decreased, and when I’m compliant with a good diet (I know, it’s hard, but abs are made in the kitchen!), I even have a visible 4 pack if I flex. 

My fitness journey is only just beginning, but I owe it to Kristin and IronPlate for giving me the tools to work with. My Mom is my inspiration, and I workout with her in mind every time I hit the gym, pick up a weight, or step on the treadmill. I use her weight gloves when I lift and it allows me to feel closer to her. Even after her passing, working out with Kristin has allowed me to have a continuing bond to my Mom, and that is priceless. 

Lean, ripped and fit!

Lean, ripped and fit!

Sinead D., IronPlate Bride, Not-so-American Woman!

Sinead D., came to IronPlate a few months before heading off to her Motherland of Ireland to get hitched to her Down Under Groom.  Sinead, an amazing and natural athlete and yogi, pulled it together and has been a delight to train.  We still get the pleasure of training  Sinead post-wedding and honeymoon, and all during the build out of her latest project (name to be disclosed only by her!), a fantastic NYC Yoga Studio to be launched in 2015.  

Sinead embodies what every bride does – great definition, leanness and feminine athleticism!  We heart you, girl!  

IronPlate torturess completes first Tough Mudder!

Throwing a big shout-out to IronPlate Trainer/Torturess, Caitlin Harrington, for completing her first ever Tough Mudder this past weekend in Upstate, NY. Going in worried she might not come out, Caitlin killed it with ease and is now excited to put together Team IronPlate for 2015 (and even I’m scared!).  Congratulations Cait for being a fit beast, and inspiring the rest of us at IronPlate to do our best and KICK ASS!

Best bridal biceps ever: IronPlate bridge Danielle R!

We work with a lot of brides.  A lot of really great brides.  But this girl takes the proverbial wedding cake.  Best transformation to date with a body that was stage ready.  Danielle R., kicked it into high gear 3x/week at IronPlate for months training like a body builder, ate clean (and complained the whole way through), but the results and hard work shows!  

Best of luck to Danielle and her new life!  XO